Umbrella Solutions

The Umbrella market just got more complicated.

The IR 35 reforms have limited some contractors from using a Limited company to contract through.

Talk to us about your options today




We offer 3 solutions under our Umbrella operation, those that are outside of the new supervision, direction and control (“SDC”) test, those caught by the SDC test and those contractors that are not resident in the UK and provide their services in countries outside the UK.

One Zero Umbrella outside Supervision Direction and Control

We can employ contractors outside SDC and provide them with a complaint and tax effective pay and expenses and including insurance.

One Zero Umbrella caught by Supervision Direction and Control


We can employ contractors caught by SDC and provide them with a complaint pay only with no expenses and including insurance.


Non Resident Contractors

We can pay contractors who are not resident in the UK and working outside the UK without making any deductions for tax or national insurance